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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Winter Fire Prevention Checklist

11/11/2021 (Permalink)

Did you complete the list? It's the time of year where you start to use your heater more often, have you completed the list?

Did you complete your winter checklist?

As temperatures start reflecting the winter season, we wanted to provide you with some tips on ensuring you are winter fire prevention ready. Whether you are having a real Christmas tree or an artificial one, we will prepare you to step into the winter season on the right foot. 

  • Turning off the space heater

As utility bills are estimated to rise significantly this year due to the increase in gas prices, many people will be purchasing space heaters as a heating alternative. To be space heater ready, feel free to read our space heater blog. To ensure that you are using the space heater correctly, make sure that you turn off the space heater when you leave a room unattended.  

  • Cutting the bottom of Christmas Tree

As many people prepare for the tradition of having a real tree, many don’t understand the importance of setting it up. As soon as you bring in an outdoor tree, you will begin to notice it will dry out. A dry tree is problematic as the pine needles will become as flammable as a cotton drape. When setting up your tree, you will want to cut 4 inches off the base to ensure the water is absorbed. A hydrated tree will prevent the tree from drying out and making it more of a fire hazard. 

  • Blowing out candles

People tend to be in their homes more in the winter months than in the summer months. With it getting darker out sooner and the overall wanting your space to smell like your favorite seasonal scents, people are at a higher risk of forgetting to blow out their candles. Forgetting to blow out a candle is a quick way to have a fire situation as there are so many factors that you can’t control. Pets, specifically cats, are the most significantly unpredictable as their fur can go up in flames fast. Pets also have the chance to knock down candles which would engulf the floor into a fire. When lighting candles, you will want to ensure that nothing flammable is within three feet of the candle.

  • Getting your chimney cleaned

You know that chimney you probably haven’t touched since last winter? Well, if you haven’t scheduled someone to come clean it, this might be your reminder. When people don’t clean it out properly, it has a buildup of toxic gases that can pollute the air in your home. 

By implementing these tips, you are ensuring that you are proactive about fire safety during the winter months. Don’t let an uh oh turn into something bigger and more stressful for your holiday season. 

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