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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Laundry Safety

3/12/2021 (Permalink)

Dryer Laundry can easily pile up, but it is essential to practice basic safety techniques to protect your home.

Not clearing your filter after each use can be dangerous. It is reported that there are over 17,000 fires related to home dryers each year.
Here are a few simple tips to follow to help prevent a clothes dryer fire.
-Clean the filter screen after each load to prevent lint buildup.
-An adult should be at home whenever the dryer is in use and the home should have working smoke alarms.
-Clean the vents outside twice a year to clean out any accumulated dust and lint.
-Commercial dryers should be cleaned out regularly because of their frequent use and shared venting system.
-Don't dry mop heads in the dryer. The dryer's heat can ignite the chemical residue on mop heads.
-Keep the surrounding area clean. The dryer's heat may ignite anything left too close to the dryer.
-The safety of your family is important to us and we hope that you don't encounter such a fire. Be sure you follow these steps to avoid a fire in your home.

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